simulation group

Department of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK) | University of Freiburg

We are an academic research group that develops and applies simulation methods for solids that deform and fluids that flow. Our simulations span from the atom to the continuum. We have a particular obsession with friction, adhesion, and wear. The group is headed by Prof. Lars Pastewka.

recent publications


  1. Small-scale roughness entraps water and controls underwater adhesion
    Nityanshu Kumar, Siddhesh Dalvi, Anirudha V Sumant, Lars Pastewka, Tevis D B Jacobs, and Ali Dhinojwala
    Sci. Adv. 10, eadn8343 (2024)
  2. Vibrational lifetimes and viscoelastic properties of ultrastable glasses
    Jan Grießer, and Lars Pastewka
    Phys. Rev. E. 110, 025001 (2024)
  3. Why soft contacts are stickier when breaking than when making them
    Antoine Sanner, Nityanshu Kumar, Ali Dhinojwala, Tevis D B Jacobs, and Lars Pastewka
    Sci. Adv. 10, eadl1277 (2024)
  4. dtool and dserver: A flexible ecosystem for findable data
    Johannes L Hörmann, Luis Yanes, Ashwin Vazhappilly, Antoine Sanner, Hannes Holey, Lars Pastewka, Matthew Hartley, and Tjelvar S G Olsson
    PLoS One 19, e0306100 (2024)
  5. O-glycans expand lubricin and attenuate its viscosity and shear thinning
    Saber Boushehri, Hannes Holey, Matthias Brosz, Peter Gumbsch, Lars Pastewka, Camilo Aponte-Santamaría, and Frauke Gräter
    Biomacromolecules 25, 3893–3908 (2024)